20th Century World History 12 – Student Workbook 4th Edition

ISBN: 09685577-9-2 Sku: 09685577-9-2 Category: Students Tags: , ,



20th Century World History 12 – Student Workbook 4th Edition is aligned with the updated BC Curriculum.

The 20th Century World History 12 – Student Workbook 4th Edition has been updated to include the major global historical events of the twenty-first century, including the Arab Spring, the nuclear proliferation of North Korea, and the Syrian Refugee Crisis.

New to the 4th edition: Unit 7  covers a range of historical themes, such as the historical implications of advances in technology; the impacts of global environmentalist initiatives; an overview of international social movements and their political and social effects; and a discussion of globalization from multiple perspectives. These themes are contextualized in such a way that enables students to bridge the gap between history and contemporary society.

This new edition focuses on building 6 specific disciplinary thinking skills.

  • Significance
  • Evidence
  • Continuity and Change
  • Cause and Consequence
  • Perspective
  • Ethical Judgment


Included in the workbook, at the end of each unit are:

6 exercise worksheets to complement these 6 different thinking skills. Students can write their answers directly in their own workbooks.

Every unit begins by introducing students to the BIG IDEAS within the unit, giving an explanation of the expected main learning points. Key questions are introduced to encourage critical thinking.

BIG IDEAS are highlighted throughout the text to indicate key concepts to understanding.

Easy to understand layout and style. Covers the updated curriculum in 344 pages. Formatted and presented to enable students to deal with the information one step at a time.

The major features of the workbook are:

  • Easy to understand layout and style.
  • A new introductory “Tips for Success” section at the beginning, explaining the basics of evaluating evidence, constructing essay outlines, and structuring essays.
  • 15 updated maps with detailed legends and additional information.
  • 92 photographs and images.
  • 14 primary historical documents and sources (and many more in the Blackline Masters).
  • Comprehensive table of contents.
  • Fully cross-referenced index with over 600 entries.
  • Current internet listings for further research.